From: ***
To: ......
Date: Mon, 19 Mar 2007 08:17:40 -0400

March 18, 2007

Bonghee Lee CAPF
Director, Korea Center for Poetry/Journal Therapy
Prof., English Dept., Korea Nazarene University

Dear Bonghee:

It is with great pleasure that I write to let you know that you will be receiving one of two Seeds of Joy Award to honor our international NAPT members who are making a difference with their work with poetry/journal workshop facilitation.

You were given this award for your work with developmental groups in which you have helped many people in Korea and here in the U.S. with powerful growth opportunities and therapeutic outcomes through the use of journal writing and poetry. Your tireless work to make sure that these classic poetry and journal therapy texts are available to others in Korea indeed makes us in feel very lucky to have you in our midst.

A check for the $1000 award will be presented to you at the conference. Your conference registration will also be paid for. Please do not hesitate to register before the March 31st deadline. I look forward to seeing you again in Portland. Congratulations!

All best regards,

Normandi Ellis
President, NAPT Foundation

President Normandi Ellis,

It is my greatest honor to get one of  two Seeds of Joy Award. I will continue to do my very best to sow and plant the NAPT(NFBPT) spirit and the power of words and poetry here in Korea. Thank you so much for encouraging me thus.

I want to share this honor with my Mentor and Supervisor Kathleen Adams who never gets tired of listening to me and reading my long email.

I would also like to thank you, Normandi Ellis, and Joy Sawyer, my facilitator at Denver, Perie Longo, Caryn Mirriam-Goldberg, as well as all the beautiful people I met at the NAPT Conference at St. Louis who have become my inspirations.

Looking foreward to seeing you again in person at Portland very soon,

Best wishes,

Bonghee Lee, Ph.D.,CAPF/CJF
Director, Korea Center for Poetry/Journal Therapy
Prof., English Dpt., Korea Nazarene Univ.