미국 NAPT(전미시문학치료학회) 이사회가 미국공인문학/저널치료사인 이봉희(李奉姬)에게 2007-9년 NAPT 한국 공식대표자 자격을 수여하기로 하였다는 편지입니다. 이에 본인은 전미시문학치료학회(NAPT)의 정신과 사명을 바탕으로 한국에서 문학치료와 저널치료를 알리고 그 기틀을 마련하는데 기여하는 역할을 수행하고자 합니다. 많은 협조를 부탁드립니다.
September 27, 2007 Bong-hee Lee, Ph.D., CAPF Professor, Dept. of English Lit., Korea Nazarene University Seoul, Korea Dear Dr. Bong-hee Lee: The National Association for Poetry Therapy (NAPT) congratulates you on your designation as NAPT’s Official Representative in Korea, for the term 2007-2009. The designation of "Official Representative" was created by NAPT to recognize international members who are willing to be advocates for NAPT in their home countries and who agree to act as contact points for prospective and current NAPT members in their countries. Below are the considerations of the position to which you have been appointed: These individuals shall be knowledgeable of NAPT and its mission, as demonstrated by membership in the association for 2 or more years. They must be current members in good standing. Conference attendance is a plus, as is some training or credentialing by the Federation for Biblio/Poetry Therapy. The term will be 2 years, renewable, and the dates will coincide with the NAPT board terms. Candidates will be considered by the NAPT board and may be nominated by themselves or other NAPT members.
Sincerely, Diane Allerdyce, Ph.D. CAPF President, NAPT